About the Exhibit:
This virtual exhibit celebrates 150 of Durham's most important historic figures and their contributions in seven categories: human relations, the arts, sports, commerce, health, preservation of history, and education. We commemorate these individuals who shaped Durham into an innovative, diverse, and entrepreneurial community.
It was built in partnership between Duke University's Code+ Program and the Museum of Durham History, with support from the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation. The website took inspiration from the Museum of Durham History's "Faces of Durham" traveling exhibit. The Duke 2023 Code+ Team builds this website in the hopes that it will be used as an educational resources for middle and high school students across local Durham public schools.
About the Museum of Durham History:
The Museum of Durham History (MODH) is a 21st-century museum that uses stories about people, places and things to foster curiosity, encourage further inquiry, and promote an understanding of diverse perspectives about the Durham community and its history. The museum is putting its mission into action through a personal approach to history that sets this museum apart: an innovative, community model that engages with history through stories—the personal memories, experiences and family lore of our shared heritage.
Want to visit the exhibit in person?
You can find us at at 500 W. Main Street, Downtown Durham or visit our website for more information.
About the Developers:
This exhibit was built with the help of Duke OIT, the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, the Museum of Durham History, and other partners across Durham and Duke to enable an accessible and inclusive user experience. In partnership with stakeholders Michelle Needham and Patrick Mucklow, this "museum without walls" was built by a 2023 Duke Code+ team consisting of project lead Aaron Kutnick along with Anna Zhang, Dylan Mitchell, Emily Dieu, Kayla Tom, Michael Puglise, and Saphal Joshi. Learn more about the team here.
Submit your Feedback:
Do you have any questions about the virtual exhibit or feedback to give our team?! Let us know using this form. Is there an important historic figure that needs to be added to our exhibit? The team at MODH values community engagement and is dedicated towards making this site engaging and accessible for all.